21 sept 2019


Dr. Hernan Tinoco Bravo, obtained his Mechanical Engineering degree in 1972 from University of Concepción, Chile; and his PhD in Turbulence in 1980 at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.- 
From 1981 to 1984, he worked in research and development for Asea Atom (now Toshiba Westinghouse). 
From 1985 to 1987 he worked for ABB Corporate Re-search and 
In 1987 he moved to Luleå University of Technology. 
He joined Vattenfall Re-search and Development, in 1988; 
and moved to Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant, Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB, in 1994, 
where he was Senior Specialist in Thermal Hydraulics and CFD until August 2011. 

He worked at the Engineering Department, Mechanical Integrity and Fluid Dynamics, with issues in Thermal Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics of BWRs related to the structural integrity of the reactor. 
Now, he is retired and works part-time as Senior Consultant at Onsala Ingenjörsbyrå AB, Gothenburg, Sweden.


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